Personal Projects
C++ | DirectX 12 | DXR | HLSL
A path tracing rendering pipeline using DX12 and DXR. Implemented PBR and glass materials to achieve photorealistic rendering.
C++ | DirectX 11 | HLSL
A renderer with Cook-Torrance BRDF-based PBR, Split-Sum IBL, toon shading, and Oren-Nayar & Minnaert effects. Screen space sphere selection and normal offset outline
C++ | DirectX 11 | Procedural Generation | HSR
A minecaft-like game with procedural map generation based on Perlin noise, voxel-based light propagation for indoor and outdoor and handled real-time map loading and destruction with multithreading
Unreal Engine 5 | SDF | Tone mapping
Achieved cartoon rendering using cell shading, SDF facial shading, normal offset outline, edge detection outlines with stencil buffer, tone mapping and material capture for hair highlights.
C++ | BVH | Raycast
A minecaft-like game with procedural map generation based on Perlin noise, voxel-based light propagation for indoor and outdoor and handled real-time map loading and destruction with multithreading
Substance Painter | Python | Exporter
A customed substance painter exporter, which can automatically read information based on asset type and fix material size
C++ | DirecX11 | NetSystem | Hex Grid
A turn based game in hex grid, with network communication via TCP. Tanks find it's path by using DFS and smooth its movment path by uisng Catmull-Rom curves.
Unreal Engine 5 | Substance Designer | Material
Created oil painting texture mask in Substance Designer, implemented stylized diffuse and highlights, simulated ambient occlusion using SDF, and completed shadow masking with SD materials
C++ | Python | Exporter
A Doom-like first-person shooter with multiplayer split-screen. All weapons are xml data driven. Ray cast with scenes and colliders. Implemented billboard sprite rendering, directional light, point lights, and spotlights.
C++ | HLSL | 2D Collision
Star Ship is a 2D space shooter game with 2D collision, homing missle using bezier curve, 2D particle, physically-based movement.
C++ | HLSL | 2D Raycast | Heat Map
A 2D Tank shooter Game with 2D collision with AABB, preventative collision for bullet, simple path finding AI, map generation with heat map, 2D fast grid raycast.